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Listen and Learn: 10 Best and New Educational Podcasts in 2019.

✅ Radiolab - 
It is a “show about curiosity”. The founders tackle topics ranging from brain injuries to the story of Henrietta Lacks. Each episode is masterfully produced and features tons of different voices – topical experts, subjects of the interviews, and more. 

✅ 99% Invisible - 
“Ever wonder how inflatable men came to be regular fixtures at used car lots? Curious about the origin of the fortune cookie? Want to know why Sigmund Freud opted for a couch over an armchair?” Host Roman Mars will take you behind the scenes of the world you thought you knew.

✅ Hardcore history -
Еach episode of Dan Carlin’s show is on par with an audiobook – both in terms of production value and quality of research. 

✅ The Tim Ferriss Show -
It is a business podcast unlike any other. Tim Ferriss interviews guests that rarely give interviews, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Maria Popova, and Rick Rubin. In all of the shows, Tim deconstructs the routines of expert performers in order to give you useful tactics, tools, and routines. 

✅ The College Info Geek Podcast -
It is a show dedicated to helping students learn and improve in all areas of life. On this podcast, you’ll learn how to study more effectively, be more productive, and become a better job candidate. 

✅ Brain Science -
Dr Ginger Campbell will teach you about the latest findings in neuroscience in a way that you can enjoy no matter what your background. You’ll also get to hear interviews with eminent neuroscientists from around the world.

✅ Rationally Speaking -
For those who are interested in topics like rationality, cognitive science, and heuristics. Galef and her guests tackle topics like utilitarianism, heuristics and biases, and why people should learn to be rational in the first place.

✅ You Are Not So Smart -
This show explores issues like overconfidence and irrationality, issues that are fundamentally human yet detrimental to our learning, progress, and well-being in many situations. It makes a nice complement to Rationally Speaking.

✅ Discovery – BBC World Service -
If you want to learn crazy, mind-expanding facts about science, then you’ll love Discovery. 

✅ The Art of Charm -
If you’ve ever wanted to be more charismatic, improve your networking skills, and grow your romantic and professional relationships, then you’ll benefit from listening to this podcast. Learn how to be more confident and socially skilled.

